Free Bible Offer
Authorised (King James) Version
If you would like a free Bible, and comply with the Terms and Conditions below, then fill out all fields in the request form, and click the submit button when it appears.
The Bible we send you will be the Trinitarian Bible Societies King James Version (KJV) Ruby Bible, together with a Bookmark listing the books of the Bible, and a Holy Bible Reference Sheet and leaflets helping you to understand the message of the Bible. All as shown on this page.
Bibles will be sent to you through Royal Mail.
While we aim to process requests every 8 days, please allow 28 days before you receive your Bible.
Terms and Conditions
You do not already have a Bible of your own.
You must live in England, Wales, Scotland, or Northern Ireland.
You must give us your full name.
The name and address you give us is your own.
One Bible per address
You DO NOT in any circumstance ask us to send to someone else.
Your details will not be used for any purpose other than administering requests and for sending the Bible to you.
By submitting this form you agree to the above, to our privacy notice and to the conditions for receiving a free Bible from us.
If you live near Cranbrook, you can take a free Bible from our Bible boxes.
On the Chapel car park gate, or 71 Wheatfield Way.

Build your own Bible Box - click here for TBS article or - click here.
If you would like to purchase the books that we use in our services, you may do so from the following sites. Clicking on the links will take you to a third party website.

If you would like a Bible but don't live in the UK, use the above link to see if the TBS have offices in your country and contact them.

Why you should get and read the Bible.
In it God reveals the truth about us – our danger.
All have sinned (broken God’s law) and are under condemnation. We must all stand before God’s judgement throne after death.
In it God reveals his Son Jesus Christ. That he came into the world to die for the sins of his people. – to suffer in their place.
God will save all who believe in Him, trust in him and repent, turning from their evil ways and following and obeying him.