Contact and Giving Page

Pastor Rowland Wheatley
The Strict Baptist Chapel, St David's Bridge, Cranbrook, Kent, England, TN17 3HN
Email: Telephone: 01580 713 212
By submitting this form you agree to our privacy notice
Please Note: If your broadband is through PlusNet or BT, you may have trouble accessing giving through Stewardship.
If you do, click here and follow instructions to gain access again.
Collection Box
General Funds
If you would like to support the ministry at Cranbrook, you may do so by direct bank transfer, by cheque or by clicking the CAF or Stewardship buttons.
By Direct Bank Transfer
St Davids Bridge Baptist Chapel
Sort Code: 60-06-18
Account Number: 30116104
Reference: Chapel Collection
If you give by Bank Transfer and wish to gift aid. Please download, fill-in and send the gift aid declaration form to us.
By Cheque
If you prefer to give by cheque please make payable to:
St Davids Bridge Baptist Chapel
Use this button only for General Funds. Stewardship button may also be used for these funds.
The Stewardship button gives you the ability to choose to give one off donations to our General, Free Bible Fund or 5th Lord's Day Collections, or Monthly to our General or Free Bible Fund.
You can choose to give anonymously, even when using gift aid.
Link goes to external site
Please note that surplus money given to our general fund may be used for our Free Bible Fund
Free Bible Fund
We give free Bibles to local schools.
We have Bible Boxes in two locations in Cranbrook. Since December 2020 over 1070 Bibles have been taken locally.
We send Bibles throughout the UK in response to requests for a Free Bible through this Site.
The current cost is £8.82 per Bible delivered.
You can see on the distribution map how many Bibles are sent out each quarter.
This fund is to support this work.
Gifts are welcome throughout the year, and our Thanksgiving Service Collection in October is for this fund.
or By Direct Bank Transfer
St Davids Bridge Baptist Chapel
Sort Code: 60-06-18
Account Number: 30116104
Reference: Free Bible Fund
Bible Distribution Map
If you would like to see where our free offer Bibles go, click here.
Thank you
To all who so kindly support the ministries of our Church at Cranbrook. The Lord bless you in your giving.
The totals given during each month, are usually announced on the first Lord's Day of the following month, during the service before the middle hymn.
The passcode will be given out during these announcements in March or April for those who support us to view the chapel accounts.
Please note:
By giving direct into the chapel bank account no fees are incurred.
However the following fees apply:
CAF - 3.6%, Stewardship - 3.5% Dona - 2.4%
Special Collections
5th Lord's Day Collections
30 March - Free Grace Evangelistic Association (FGEA)
29 June - Mombasa Mission
31 August - Savannah Education Trust
30 November - Trinitarian Bible Society
Please only give in the week before and after the collection date.
Click on underlined words to go to the Charity Websites
Anniversary Services
3 April 2025
Collection is for the Pastor.
Use the collection box button below, which also may be used throughout the year.
This button enables giving anonymously to the Pastor. The link goes to external site "Dona" giving portal and funds are processed by "Sum-up" Gift Aiding is disabled on this collection box, and a 2.4% processing fee applies to all gifts.
Gifts through this box supplement the stipend that the Church pays the pastor from general funds and form part of Pastors taxable income.
Sincere thanks to all who give in this way. The Lord bless you for your kindness.
Harvest Thanksgiving Services
9 October 2025
The collection is for the Free Bible Fund